【全裸瞑想】Naked meditation to listen to your own inner voice and release your mind and body!

Naked Meditation【全裸瞑想】

Naked meditation means sitting naked in a quiet place and consciously controlling your breathing to enter a deep meditative state. Below are the steps to do the Naked Meditation.

Choose a quiet and calm place. Outdoor natural settings are best if possible, but baths, saunas, and pools are also good options. You can also watch the projected image.

Check your own physical condition. If you have any discomfort or discomfort in your body, it is important to remove them before performing the meditation.

Then get naked. You can wear underwear or a bathing suit, but it is preferable to be naked as much as possible.

Stand upright and sit cross-legged or seiza so that the left and right sides are evenly distributed. Relax and place your hands lightly on your knees.

Concentrate on slow, deep breathing with your eyes lightly closed or half-closed. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Be aware of how you are feeling right now and accept that feeling.

Then slowly let go of that feeling.

To empty your mind, be conscious of not thinking about anything in your head.

Gently close your eyes and focus on slow, deep breathing.

Breathe in through your nose and

Exhale through your mouth,


Throw it up!

Continue meditating naked for a few minutes to lose track of time and be completely in tune with yourself.
